dimecres, 16 d’abril del 2008


Chronic Fatigue Illnesses

Prof. Garth L. Nicolson

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Other Fatigue Conditions

Chronic fatigue is reported by 20% of all patients seeking medical care and is considered as a nonspecific sign that is associated with many well known medical conditions. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), and Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) patients suffer from complex overlapping signs and symptoms. (see 'Signs/Symptoms' Questions, above) CFS is primarily characterized by persisting or relapsing fatigue without previous history of comparable symptoms that does not resolve with rest. In these patients other clinical conditions are absent that can explain the signs and symptoms such as malignancies or autoimmune diseases. In contrast, FMS patients have overall muscle pain, tenderness, and weakness as primary complaints, but they have most if not all of the commonly found signs and symptoms for CFS. We previously proposed that CFS/ME patients might be suffering from chronic infections that can cause, in part, their complex signs and symptoms. For example, systemic mycoplasmal infections can cause chronic fatigue, muscle pain and a variety of additional signs and symptoms, some of which are related to dysfunctional immune responses and in extreme cases autoimmune-like disorders. Some mycoplasmas can invade virtually every human tissue and can compromise the immune system, permitting opportunistic infections by other bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast. When mycoplasmas exit certain cells, such as synovial cells, nerve cells, among others that can be infected, they can stimulate autoimmune response. Our recently published studies demonstrated a possible link between mycoplasmal infections and CFS and FMS, since we found high frequencies of mycoplasmal infections in these patients. Previously we examined patients with chronic illnesses for the presence of mycoplasmal infections. We found that about one half of patients with Gulf War Illness and two third of patients with CFS/ME and FMS were positive for mycoplasmal infections in their blood. The Gulf War Veterans suffer from signs and symptoms similar to patients diagnosed with CFS and FMS. They can be treated using antibiotics effective against mycoplasmal infections, and once they recover, their blood is no longer positive for the presence of mycoplasmal infections. Our recent results indicate that Rheumatoid Arthritis is also associated with mycoplasmal infections. (see 'Autoimmune Diseases')

Recent reports and publications indicate that in addition to mycoplasmal infections, CFS/ME and FMS patients have other chronic infections caused by other intracellular bacteria and viruses. For example, patients with Lyme Disease, caused by intracellular Borrelia infections, have been diagnosed with CFS/ME. Also, CFS/ME and FMS patients can have intracellular Chlamydia species infections. These patients can also have infections by other bacteria that enter their bodies through 'leaky gut' problems. Chronically ill patients often have inflammatory bowel syndrome and other gut problems, and this can allow pathogenic bacteria to enter their systems.

Patients with CFS/ME and FMS can also have viral infections that complicate their conditions and cause morbidity. Such infections can occur with or without the bacterial infections described above. Viruses that have been associated with CFS/ME and FMS are Human Herpes Virus-6 (HHV-6) and Cytomeglovirus (CMV). These viruses have been found at high incidence in chronically ill patients, and especially those with CFS/ME. Patients with CFS/ME or FMS can have predominantly intracellular bacterial infections, predominantly viral infections, or a combination of intracellular bacterial and viral infections. This may be one reason why the underlying causes of these chronic illnesses are so difficult to determine and effectively treat. The other reason could be the persistent nature of the infections and their ability to hide inside cells where they are essentially refractory to immune system responses, their slow growing natures and their relative insensitivity to therapeutic drugs (see references below).

A new direction at the Institute is studying the role of decreased cellular energy in causing fatigue. Cellular energy is mainly produced by the mitochondria, subcellular organelles that contain the machinery that converts fats and sugars to energy in the form of the high-energy molecules, such as ATP. Mitochondrial function requires an intact inner membrane where the electron transport chain or energy machinery is located. When the inner mitochondrial membrane is damaged, the efficiency of the electron transport chain is reduced along with the ability of cells to produce the energy that they need for vital functions—thus fatigue becomes a problem. Various environmental insults and even aging produce excess oxidation molecules that can damage the mitochondrial membrane, including chronic infections of the type mentioned above. At the Institute for Molecular Medicine clinical studies have shown the benefits of dietary membrane lipids (Lipid Replacement Therapy) in replacing damaged mitochondrial membrane lipids, increasing the efficiency of the electron transport chain, increasing energy and reducing fatigue. A number of non-pharmaceutical approaches to decreasing fatigue are being investigated at the Institute.


  • Metabolic Syndrome and Mitochondrial Function: Molecular Replacement and Antioxidant Supplements to Prevent Membrane Peroxidation and Restore Mitochondrial Function, Garth L. Nicolson, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2007; 100:in press. pdf doc

  • Considerations when Undergoing Treatment for Chronic Illnesses and Autoimmune Diseases, by Prof. Garth L. Nicolson, Reprint - Intern. J. Medicine 1998; 1:123-128. Plus Supplemental Suggestions: Prof. Nicolson June 15, 2006. rtf doc

  • Lipid replacement and antioxidant nutritional therapy for restoring mitochondrial function and reducing fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome and other fatiguing illnesses, by Nicolson and Ellithorpe, Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2006; 13(1): 57-68. pdf doc

  • Lipid replacement/antioxidant therapy as an adjunct supplement to reduce the adverse effects of cancer therapy and restore mitochondrial function, by Prof. Nicolson, Pathology & Oncology Research 2005; 11(3): 139-144. pdf doc

  • Evidence for Brucella spp. And Mycoplasma ssp. Co-Infections in Blood of Fatigue Syndrome Patients, by Nicolson et al., Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2005; 12(2): 5-17. rtf doc

  • Deregulation of the 2.5A synthetase RNase L antiviral pathway by Mycoplasma spp. in subsets of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome By J. Nijs et al., J. Chronic Fatigue Syndr. 2003; 11(2):37-50. rtf doc

  • Multiple co-infections (Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, human herpes virus-6) in blood of chronic fatigue syndrome patients: association with signs and symptoms. By G. L. Nicolson et al., Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Immunol. Scand.(APMIS) 2003; 111: 557-566. pdf doc

  • Immunophenotyping predictive of mycoplasma infection in patients with chronic fatigue Syndrome. By J. Nijs et al., J. Chronic Fatigue Syndr. 2003; 11(2): 51-70. rtf doc

  • Evidence for Bacterial (Mycoplasma, Chlamydia) and Viral (HHV-6) Co-Infections in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients by G.L. Nicolson et al., Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2003; 11(2):7-20. rtf doc

  • High Prevalence of Mycoplasma infections among European Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients. By J. Nijs et al., FEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol. 2002; 34:209-214. rtf doc

  • Bacterial and Viral Co-Infections in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) Patients, by Nicolson et al., Proc. Clinical & Scientific Conference on Myalgic Encephalopathy/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the Practitioners Challenge, Alison Hunter Foundation, Sydney, Australia 2002. rtf doc

  • Review: Immunology of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by R. Patarca et al. J. Chronic Fatigue Syndr. 2000; 6(3/4): 69-107. rtf doc

  • Examination of mycoplasmas in blood of 565 Chronic Illness patients by polymerase chain reaction. by M. Nasralla, J. Haier, N. Nicolson and G.L. Nicolson, Intern. J. Med. Biol. Environ. 2000; 28(1): 15-23. rtf doc

  • Diagnosis and integrative treatment of intracellular bacterial infections in Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Syndromes, Gulf War Illness, Rheumatoid Arthritis and other chronic illnesses. by G.L. Nicolson et al., Clin. Pract. Alt. Medicine 2000; 1(2): 92-102 rtf doc

  • Role of Mycoplasmal Infections in Fatigue Illnesses: Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Syndromes, Gulf War Illness and Rheumatoid Arthritis, by G.L. Nicolson et al., J. Chronic Fatigue Syndr. 2000; 6(3/4):23-39 rtf doc

  • Identification And Treatment Of Chronic Infections In CFIDS, Fibromyalgia Syndrome And Rheumatoid Arthritis, by G.L. Nicolson, CFIDS Chronicle 1999; 12(3): 19-21 rtf doc

  • Multiple Mycoplasmal Infections Detected in Blood of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Syndrome Patients, Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 1999 ; 18 : 859-865 rtf doc

  • Mycoplasmal Infections in Chronic Illnesses: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndromes, Gulf War Illness, HIV-AIDS and Rheumatoid Arthritis, by G.L. Nicolson et al., Med. Sentinel 1999; 4: 172-176 rtf doc

  • The Pathogenesis and Treatment of Mycoplasmal Infections, by G.L. Nicolson et al., Antimicrob. Infect. Dis. Newsl. 1999; 17(11) : 81-88 rtf doc

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Mycoplasmal Infections in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndromes: Relationship to Gulf War Illness, by G.L. Nicolson et al., Biomed. Therapy 1998; 16: 266-271 rtf doc

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Infections in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Gulf War Illness, by G.L. Nicolson and N.L. Nicolson, International Journal of Occupational Medicine, Immunology and Toxicology 1996 ; 5 : 69-78 rtf doc

*PDF files can be opened by obtaining a free copy of Adobe Acrobat from:


  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients Subsequently Diagnosed with Lyme Disease Borrelia burgdorferi: Evidence for Mycoplasma species Co-Infections - by Garth L. Nicolson, PhD, Nancy L. Nicolson, PhD and Joerg Haier, MD, PD, Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2008. - rtf_doc

  • Recommendations for Diagnostic Testing, by Prof. Garth Nicolson, updates - 2007 rtf doc

  • Co-Infections in Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Other Chronic Illnesses by Prof. Garth Nicolson, Fibromyalgia Frontiers 2002; 10(3):5-9, 27-28. rtf doc

  • Update on Gulf War Illnesses: Relationship to Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/M.E. and the Possible Role of Vaccines By Prof. Garth Nicolson, The Fibromyalgia Survivor, 2001 rtf doc

  • Mycoplasmas: the Missing Link in Fatiguing Illnesses by Michael Guthrie Alternative Medicine; 2001; Sept: 60-70. rtf doc

  • Research Overview: Professor Garth Nicolson's Studies and Treatments Explained By Deborah Cooper, ImmuneSupport.com Treatment & Research Library rtf doc

  • CFS National Radio Program 11/21/00 with Dr. Roger G. Mazlen interviewing Prof. Garth Nicolson rtf doc

  • Chronic Infections in Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Sources of Morbidity and Illness Progression. by Prof. Garth Nicolson, Fibromyalgia Survivor 2000 rtf doc

  • New Treatments for Chronic Infections Found in Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gulf War Illnesses, by Prof. Garth Nicolson, Kuwait University Faculty of Science and Medicine Newsletter, 1999 rtf doc

  • The Role of Chronic Infections in the Maintenance and Progression of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Gulf War Illness, by G.L. Nicolson et al., ME/CFS Congress, Sydney, Australia, 1999 rtf doc

  • Identification and Treatment of Chronic Infections in CFIDS, Fibromyalgia Sydrome and Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients that Cause Morbidity and Illness Progression, by Prof. Garth Nicolson, Doctor's Educational Booklet, CFIDS Assoc. of America, 1998 rtf doc

  • Mycoplasmal Infections in Blood from Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome or Gulf War Illness, by G.L. Nicolson et al., International CFS Congress, Sydney, Australia, 1998 rtf doc

  • New Treatments for Chronic Infections Found in CFS, Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Gulf War Illnesses, by Prof. Garth Nicolson, American Academy of Environmental Medicine Newsletter (Winter 1997) rtf doc

*PDF files can be opened by obtaining a free copy of Adobe Acrobat from:

divendres, 11 d’abril del 2008

De part de Libros en Red...

De regalo, aquí y para todos, los 20 consejos para convertirse en escritor.

Esta es una recopilación de las 20 normas básicas y decisivas que todo aspirante a escritor deberá tener en cuenta si quiere llegar a ser un novelista de éxito y codearse con los best-sellers. Algunas nos las han hecho llegar y otras son fruto de nuestra propia experiencia editorial. Cuantas más pautas se dominen, más posibilidades tendrá un autor de destacarse en su nueva profesión. Aquí van:

1. Lo primero: conoser vien la hortografia.

2. Cuide la concordancia, el cual son necesaria para que usted no caigan en aquello errores.

3. Ponga comas puntos signos de interrogación o dos puntos rayas siempre que corresponda si no poco se entienden las relaciones entre las palabras la jerarquía entre las ideas.

Y cuando, use los signos de: puntuación, póngalos; correctamente!.

4. Lo mejor es esquivar la reiteración de sonidos en la oración. La proposición es buscar una opción que no rime con lo dicho con antelación.

5. Evite las repeticiones, evitando así repetir y repetir lo que ya ha repetido reiteradamente.

6. Trate de ser claro; no use hieráticos, herméticos o errabundos gongorismos que puedan jibarizar las más enaltecidas ideas.

7. Imaginando, creando, planificando, un escritor no debe aparecer equivocándose, abusando de los gerundios. Tratando siempre, sobre todo, de no estar empezando una frase con uno.

8. Correcto para ser en la construcción, caer evite en trasposiciones.

9. Tome el toro por las astas, haga de tripas corazón y no caiga en refranes comunes. Calavera no chilla.

10. ¡Voto al chápiro!... creo a pies juntillas que deben evitarse las antiguallas que obscurecen el texto.

11. Si algún lugar es inadecuado en la frase para poner colgado un verbo, el final de un párrafo lo es.

12. ¡¡¡Por el amor de Dios!!!!, no abuse de las exclamaciones. NI de las Mayúsculas. Recuerde, además, que la cantidad de puntos suspensivos es siempre fija....... (¡solo tres!)

13. Pone cuidado en las conjugaciones cuando escribáis.

14. No utilice nunca doble negación.

15. Evite usar el adjetivo "mismo" como si fuera un pronombre; el mismo está para otra cosa.

16. Aunque se usen poco, es importante emplear los apóstrofo's correctamente.

17. No olvide poner las tildes que correspondan. Mas aun cuando es importante conocer cual es la significacion de una palabra, en caso de que haya una opcion con tilde y sin ella.

18. Procure "no poner" comillas "innecesariamente". No es un recurso para "resaltar" sino para "mencionar" una "voz ajena" al texto.

19. Procurar nunca los infinitivos separar demasiado.

20. Y con respecto a frases fragmentadas

Bueno... ya habrán visto que no son las 20 normas definitivas para pasar a ser escritor, aunque eso no quita que lo que sugieren pueda tenerse en cuenta con algún provecho. Queda la pregunta: ¿habrá consejos que de verdad sirvan para aprender a escribir mejor?

En broma (como aquí arriba) o en serio, pensando en pautas que realmente puedan ser útiles para un escritor, ¿qué consignas o recomendaciones aportarían ustedes?

Jep Nuix

(Barcelona 1955-1998) Compositor i flautista, va néixer a Barcelona. Realitzà estudis de flauta, harmonia i contrapunt al Conservatori Superior Municipal de Música de Barcelona, i composició i instrumentació amb Gabriel Brncic. Els seus contactes amb compositors com Witold Lutoslawski, Luigi Nono, Thomas Kessler, Gerald Bennett, Heinz Holliger, Luis de Pablo, Joan Guinjoan, entre d'altres, el dugueren a escriure per a tot tipus de formació: des d'instruments “a solo” fins a orquestra simfònica, incloent-hi la música electroacústica en totes les seves vessants.
Com a compositor va escriure al voltant d’una seixantena d’obres. Rebé encàrrecs de nombrosos intèrprets especialitzats i institucions, i beques, una de les quals li va permetre ser compositor resident durant un curs a l'estudi de música electrònica del Conservatori de Basilea (Suïssa). La seva dedicació a la música electroacústica es va desenvolupar al Laboratori de Música Electroacústica Phonos‚ de Barcelona, on passà a formar part del grup de compositors habituals. També ho va fer al seu estudi personal i al Centre d'Iniciatives i d'Experimentació per a Joves de la Fundació Caixa de Pensions, del qual en va ser el coordinador del laboratori de so i música entre els anys 1988 i 1991. Fou convidat a participar en el 33. Ferienkurse für Neue Musik‚ (Darmstadt, Alemanya).
Li foren concedits diversos premis i mencions de composició, entre els que destaquen: primer premi del IV Concurso de obras de Polifonía, Madrid (1984, per l’obra En Efecte, per a quatre cors mixts); primer premi del 10è. Concurs de Joves Compositors de Joventuts Musicals de Barcelona (1989, per l’obra –4º a Allschwil, per a conjunt de cambra); premi INF-ART'90 de la Fundació Caixa de Pensions al millor treball de música, Barcelona (1990, per l’obra His Master’s Voice, per a cinta magnètica). Va ser sel.leccionat per representar Espanya a la tribuna de la Societat Internacional de Música Contemporània a Varsòvia, Polònia (1992, per l’obra Fax, per a conjunt de cambra).
Les seves obres han estat interpretades en nombrosos concerts i festivals internacionals d’Europa, Amèrica i Austràlia.
Fou membre de l'Associació Catalana de Compositors i membre fundador de l’Asociación de Música Electroacústica de España. Formà part del grup de compositors Grupo del Bierzo.
Com a intèrpret de música contemporània formà part del Grup Instrumental Phonos i de Vol ad Libitum. També actuà com a solista interpretant les seves pròpies obres i a duo amb el percussionista Fede Giberga.
També va escriure música per a teatre, dansa, pallassos (Himne del Festival de Pallassos de Cornellà), vídeo i televisió. Va realitzar arranjaments per a diverses obres de teatre i cinema. Va formar part i compondre peces pels grups de rock simfònic i jazz-rock "Gòtic" i "Mirasol Colores". Va acompanyar diversos cantants com Joan Isaac, Marina Rossell o Ramon Muntaner i va participar com a flautista en diverses obres de teatre.
En la seva discografia destaquen els discos “Intervals” i “jenji”, a part d’altres obres enregistrades en discos en companyia d'altres compositors.



“Escenes de la terra en festa i de la mar en calma” i “I tú que ho veies tot tan fàcil” GOTIC. “Escenes”. MOVIEPLAY 17.1302/6. (1978)

“Diòtima” i “Hiperión” MIRASOL COLORES “Linea 5”. RCA-PL 35218. (1979).

"Gloria" (cor mixt i set metalls, 1981) i "En efecte" (4 cors mixts, 1983). Grupo de Cámara Villa de Madrid. Dir.: José Mª Barquín. DIAL DISCOS, 54 9334-9335. (1984)

"Voilà!" (trio de corda,1985). Grupo Círculo. Dir.: José Luis Temes. CIRCULO DE BELLAS ARTES, CBA 8. (1989)

"His Master's Voice" (cinta, 1990). DISCMEDI-BLAU, ADM 503. (1990)


“Escenes de la terra en festa i de la mar en calma” i “I tú que ho veies tot tan fàcil” GOTIC. “Escenes”.

FONOMUSIC, CD 1024. (1988)

M2U records-1006, Corea (2002)

DISCMEDI DM-752-02 (2002)

"Halterofília I" (grup de cambra (flauta, clarinet, guitarra, contrabaix) i cinta, 1983). Vol ad Libitum “Compositors de Barcelona (I)”. DINO CLASSICS, 30 028. (1991)

"Pensant en Nono" (cinta, 1991) Asociación de Música Electroacústica de España-U.M./UNIO MUSICS, CD·7 (Memorias electroacústicas vol.1 "Presencia de Luigi Nono"). (1992)

"Autoretrat-1" (quartet de flautes de bec, 1987) Quartet de bec "Frullato". “Peces”. DESERT PRODUCCIONS, CD. DP002. (1992)

"Fax" (grup de cambra: flauta, clarinet, vibràfon, piano, violí, violoncel, 1990). Barcelona 216. Dir.: Ernest Martínez Izquierdo. HYADES ARTS, HYS-1. (1993)

“Marxa del Festival Internacional de Pallassos de Cornellà” Alternativa Produccions Discogràfiques A-CD-062 (1994)

"Escac i mat" (piano, 1993). Albert Nieto. EDICIONS NOVA ERA, NCM 1. (1995)

“Dit a dit, pas a pas” (extracte) (cinta, 1988). “alter músiques natives”. KRTU (Departament de Cultura Generalitat de Catalunya i G3G). G3KRTU1- G3KRTU2. (1995)

JEP NUIXINTERVALS”: "L'Inizio" (1986, flauta i cinta: Jep Nuix), "Monòleg" (1989, cinta), "Resonanzen für Elisabeth" (1989, guitarra: Elisabeth Roma), "His Master's Voice" (1990, cinta), "Improvisació per a tubs" (1990, tubs d’orgue, cinta i electrònica en viu: Jep Nuix), "Riflessi" (1992, orquesta de cambra: Orquestra de Cambra Teatre Lliure, Dir: Josep Pons) i "Tonightingale" (1994, flauta, clarinet, violí i violoncel: Vol ad Libitum, Dir: Jordi Rossinyol). EDICIONS NOVA ERA, NCM 2. (1995)

“Punt per punt” (Quartet de flautes, 1997) Quartet de Flautes Travesseres “Fu-Mon”. Anacrusí Contemporània AC.004 (1998)

JEP NUIX jenji”: "Ad valorem" (1984, flauta: Jep Nuix), "Voilà!" (1985, trio de corda: Ala Voronkova, Josephine Fitzpatrick, David B. Runnion), "Percuflú" (1994, flauta, percussió i electrònica en viu: Jep Nuix, Fede Giberga), "-4º a Allschwil" (1989, flauta, oboè, clarinet, vibràfon, piano, violí, viola i violoncel: Grup de Cambra dels Solistes de l'Orquestra Ciutat de Barcelona, Dir: Ernest Martínez Izquierdo), "... and sax makes six" (1992, saxofonista solista (soprano i baríton) i quintet de corda: Grup Interinstrumental de Barcelona, Josep Mª Aparicio, Dir: Carles Lobo), "Variacions, evolucions, mutacions" (1995, flauta, clarinet, piano, violí i violoncel: Bernat Castillejo, Oriol Romaní, Jordi Masó, Santiago Juan, Lluís Heras), "Espirals" (1994, orquestra: Orquestra simfònica de Barcelona i nacional de Catalunya, Dir: Paul Polivnick), i "Stack" (1995, flauta i percussió: Jep Nuix, Fede Giberga). EDICIONS NOVA ERA, NCM 11. (1999)

"Iteracions" (saxo, trompeta i piano, 1995). Grup Interinstrumental de Barcelona. “avuimúsica”. Col.lecció Música Catalana Contemporània vol. 2 Anacrusi, AC.015. (2000)

"Resonanzen für Elisabeth" (guitarra, 1989). David Sanz. “La guitarra del segle XX a Catalunya”. Anacrusi, Formata/Contemporània AC.021. (2001)

Música electroacústica de “Cançó de la terra”

CD Verdaguer 2000. Cançó de la terra, Rafael Subirachs. Edicions Abert Moraleda, 0120 (1999)

"Persecucions" (quintet de vent i piano, 1993). Zauberquintett. El señor guindilla records, D.L. MU-910-2005 (2005)


I jo que ho veia tot tan fàcil

la música i escriure

riure i viure

il·lús Ulisses

en viatge permanent

cap al Parnàs o al Tagamanet

les Walkiries del Walhalla em cridaven

em xisclaven les orelles de tornada dels bolos

a les Guilleries passat de voltes ni dormia

resava pel sorral que s'acabés el viatge

i tu no em coneixies i la Roser se'n reia per sota el nas

em deies gavina i decepció i erraves...

Ai! Salamó Salamó!!

Quan el sol i la lluna surten del quadre

el desastre ja s'ha produït”

Desperdici de l'Ànima

Miquel de Palol

Miquel Àngel Tena-Rúbies

Abril de 2008